
The Suriprise

"Look at the egg," shouts Helen. " Something's happening. It's cracking" (p. 11)

 One day Roger and Helen are playing cards withe their parents when Aunt Elizabeth calls them. She is an explorer and back from Greenland on that day. She prepares a surprise for her nephew and niece. Next day she gives them a present and it is an egg. When they're eating breakfast, the egg is cracking. A pterodactyl was in it! They raise it carefully and they bring it to a museum which Aunt Elizabeth works. In the museum, the pterodactyl does a good job.

In this story, a pterodactyl becomes a pet of a family. So it remains me of my pet. I used to have a hamster for three years and he is my first pet. He came to my house when I was eight years old. I liked him very much and I was very sad when he died. However thanks to him, I learned the importance of lives.

Gerngross, G. (2007). The Surprise. Helbling Readers.

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